Two cars involved in a collision on a wet road. The front of a black car is heavily damaged, and the side of a blue car is dented. Broken glass is scattered on the ground.

Fatal crashes and car accidents occur annually in Australia. A deep dive into their causes is necessary for better prevention and road safety.

This blog analyses human errors, including impaired driving and distractions. It also considers external factors like weather and road conditions. The blog aims to demonstrate how responsible actions can reduce these incidents.

Explore with us the strategies for enhancing road safety.

What are the Identified Causes of Road Trauma?

Road trauma in Australia is a complex issue with many contributing factors. These include human error, environmental conditions, and mechanical failures, leading to accidents.

Understanding these causes is crucial to developing effective prevention strategies. It is also crucial for improving road safety.

Human factors such as impaired driving, fatigue, and distraction are major contributors to fatal car accidents. This emphasises the importance of responsible behaviour.

Environmental elements like adverse weather and poor road conditions also increase accident risks, as do mechanical vehicle issues. Addressing these diverse causes is essential for reducing road trauma.

Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

According to the latest resources and reports, experts have analysed road safety in Australia. The National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) emphasises the “Fatal Five” major risk factors contributing to road fatalities: speeding, intoxication (including drugs and alcohol), not wearing a seatbelt, driver fatigue, and distraction.

These factors remain central to understanding and mitigating road-related incidents. They underscore the importance of tailored road safety strategies within organisations to enhance safety and productivity.

Human error remains one of the most significant contributors to road trauma in Australia. A variety of behaviours and conditions lead to serious accidents. Understanding these causes is crucial for preventing and ensuring all road users’ safety.

Here, we delve into the primary driver-related errors resulting in severe accidents.

Human Error

It stands as the foremost contributor to car accidents across Australia. This category encompasses a range of actions or inactions by drivers, including distracted drivers. Their attention is diverted from the road due to mobile phone use, adjusting the radio, or other activities within the vehicle.

Impaired driving results from alcohol or drug consumption. It hampers a driver’s reaction times, decision-making capabilities, and vehicle control. Fatigue is another critical factor. Tired drivers pose a serious risk due to decreased alertness and delayed response times.

Lastly, speeding remains a prevalent issue. Driving above the posted speed limit or too fast for road conditions, like street racing, drastically reduces the time available for drivers to react to unexpected hazards. This increases the likelihood of accidents.

Bad Weather Conditions

Adverse weather, including rain, fog, and storms, escalates the risk of car accidents. Slippery roads can reduce tyre traction and increase stopping distances. Fog diminishes visibility, making it challenging for drivers to see other vehicles, pedestrians, and road signs. To mitigate these risks, drivers must adapt their driving style and speed to match the prevailing weather.

Poor Road Conditions

The state of the roads can be a pivotal factor in car accidents. Potholes, uneven road surfaces, lack of proper signage, and marked construction zones can surprise drivers. This can lead to loss of vehicle control. Government and local councils must maintain roads to a safe standard. Drivers should remain vigilant and drive cautiously in areas known for poor road conditions.

Manufacturing or Design Defects

Sometimes, accidents happen because of problems built into the vehicle, not the driver’s actions. These defects may affect critical components such as brakes, steering systems, airbags, and tyres. They can lead to unexpected failures that result in accidents.

Vehicle owners should adhere to maintenance schedules. They should also pay attention to recalls and safety warnings issued by manufacturers to prevent such incidents.

Collisions with Animals

On rural roads in Western Australia, car accidents frequently occur due to animal crossings. This can be a significant hazard. These accidents can cause substantial damage to vehicles and serious injury to passengers. Drivers should be especially cautious when driving at dawn, dusk, or night in rural areas, as animals are most active.

Poor Visibility

Poor visibility increases the causes of car accidents. It can be due to nighttime driving, heavy rain, or fog. Reduced visibility makes it harder for drivers to see other road users and potential hazards in time to react. Drivers need to use appropriate lighting, reduce speeds, and maintain a safe following distance from another vehicle under such conditions.

Understanding and addressing these common causes of car accidents can reduce the risk of road trauma. By exercising caution and adhering to road rules, drivers can contribute to safer roads for everyone. Additionally, by maintaining their vehicles, drivers can contribute to safer roads for everyone.

Man holding neck in pain after a two-car collision.

Causes of a Serious Car Accident Due to Human Error

The Government of Western Australia’s 2023 preliminary summary of road fatalities provides a detailed breakdown of incidents. It reveals a nuanced picture of road safety in the region. The report indicates a total of 158 fatalities for the year, a slight decrease compared to previous years.

Notably, there was a significant reduction in alcohol-related fatalities. There was also a marked decrease in incidents attributed to fatigue and inattention. However, the report also highlights areas of concern. For example, there’s been an increase in motorcyclist fatalities. And we’re still struggling to ensure people use seatbelts.

Here are the primary errors causing serious accidents:

Intoxication (Drugs and Alcohol)

It is due to the consumption of drugs and alcohol is a leading cause of serious car accidents. These substances impair a driver’s judgement, reaction times, and ability to control a vehicle. Despite rigorous laws and public awareness campaigns, driving under the influence continues to claim lives and cause substantial injuries on Australian roads.

Consuming even small amount of alcohol or drugs can impair driving capabilities. This shows the importance of always choosing a sober driver.

Fatigue or Drowsy Driving

Driver fatigue or drowsiness is another critical factor contributing to accidents. This is particularly common on long journeys in rural and remote parts of Australia. Fatigue can reduce a driver’s reaction time and decision-making ability, like the effects of alcohol. Driving long distances can be monotonous. This can lead to microsleeps, where a driver may fall asleep for a few seconds without realising it. It often results in catastrophic outcomes.

Ensuring adequate rest, taking regular breaks, and recognising the signs of tiredness are essential steps. They prevent fatigue-related accidents.


Exceeding speed limits or driving too fast for the conditions is a prevalent cause of serious accidents. Speeding reduces the available time to respond to unexpected hazards and increases the severity of crashes. The impact force during a high-speed collision is significantly greater. This leads to more serious injuries or road fatalities.

Adhering to posted limits is vital for road safety. Adjusting speed in response to weather, traffic lights, and road conditions is also vital.


Tailgating or failing to maintain a safe following distance can lead to serious rear-end collisions. These accidents are commonly attributed to driver inattention. They are also attributed to misjudgement of the speed and distance of the vehicle ahead.

Maintaining a safe distance allows for adequate time to react and stop if the vehicle in front suddenly brakes.

Distracted Driving

Driving distractions encompass any activities that take one’s focus away from the road. This includes using a mobile phone, eating, or adjusting the radio. These distractions can significantly reduce drivers’ awareness of their surroundings, reaction times, and ability to control the vehicle. Thus leading to serious accidents.

Drivers must minimise distractions and remain focused on the road at all times.

Not Wearing Seatbelts

Not wearing seatbelts is a significant risk factor in fatalities and severe injuries. Seatbelts are a primary safety feature in vehicles, designed to protect occupants by reducing the impact of a crash. Failure to wear a seatbelt can result in being ejected from the vehicle or suffering severe trauma in an accident. Ensuring all occupants wear seatbelts is a simple yet effective measure to enhance safety on the road.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving includes a range of dangerous behaviours. These include speeding, aggressive manoeuvring, and ignoring traffic laws. This disregard for road safety affects not only the reckless driver but also other road users. Reckless driving reflects a deliberate choice to ignore the rules of the road, often resulting in severe consequences.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving, which may manifest as road rage, involves deliberate actions such as tailgating, speeding, and unsafe lane changes. Drivers often do these things in response to perceived slights by other drivers. This behaviour can escalate quickly. It leads to serious accidents that could have been avoided with patience and courtesy.

Ignoring Traffic Signs and Signals

Failure to obey traffic signs and signals is a fundamental driver error leading to serious accidents. Running a red light, ignoring a stop sign, and failing to yield the right of way can result in collisions at intersections, one of the most common sites for traffic accidents. Compliance with traffic controls is essential for vehicles and pedestrians’ orderly and safe flow on the road.

Car accidents happen often stem from preventable driver errors. By understanding and addressing these behaviours, drivers can significantly reduce the risk of causing harm to themselves and others. It’s a collective responsibility to ensure the roads are safe for everyone.

Learn how compensation for serious accidents and trauma can provide support and justice for victims of preventable driver errors. It offers hope amidst the devastation caused by negligent actions on the road.

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Tips for Avoiding Common Causes of Road Accidents

Road safety is paramount to preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of all road users. While it’s impossible to control the actions of others, there are several steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk of being involved in a road accident. Here, we offer practical advice to mitigate common causes of road accidents.

1. Regular Vehicle Maintenance

  • Keep Your Vehicle in Top Condition: Regular checks and maintenance of your vehicle can prevent car accidents caused by mechanical failures. Ensure your brakes, tyres, lights, and engine work well. Regularly checking tyre pressure and tread depth can also improve your vehicle’s handling and braking efficiency.

2. Adhere to Speed Limits

  • Observe Posted Limits: Speeding is a leading cause of accidents. Adhering to the speed limit not only keeps you within legal boundaries but also gives you more time to react to unforeseen circumstances. Remember, a speed limit is set for a reason, considering the road conditions, traffic flow, and the presence of pedestrians.

3. Avoid Distractions

  • Minimise In-Car Distractions: Distracted driving, especially due to the use of mobile phones, is a significant cause of accidents. Always keep your focus on the road. If you need to make a call or send a text, pull over safely or use hands-free technology. Avoid eating, adjusting the radio, or any other activity that takes your attention away from driving.

4. Drive According to Weather Conditions

  • Adjust Your Driving to Suit Weather: Bad weather, such as rain, fog, or ice, can dramatically increase the risk of an accident. Slow down when visibility is poor, or the road is slippery. Allow extra stopping distance between you and the vehicle in front, as stopping distances can double in wet conditions.

5. Stay Sober

  • Never Drive Under the Influence: Alcohol and drugs impair judgment, reaction times, and motor coordination. This makes drug or drunk driving extremely dangerous. Always plan for a designated driver or use alternative transportation if you’ve been drinking or using drugs.

6. Rest If You’re Tired

  • Avoid Driving When Fatigued: Drowsy driving leads to most car accidents at night. Extra caution is necessary when driving at night, as the risk of a car accident occurring is nearly doubled. So, this can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Ensure you’re well-rested before embarking on long drives, and take regular breaks to rest and refresh yourself.

7. Use Seat Belts

  • Buckle Up Every Time: Wearing a seat belt is one of the simplest and most effective ways to protect yourself in the event of an accident. Ensure all passengers are buckled up before driving, regardless of how short the journey may be.

8. Follow Traffic Rules

  • Respect Traffic Signs and Signals: Ignoring traffic signals and signs can lead to serious accidents. Always obey traffic laws, including stop signs, yield signs, and red lights. Be especially cautious at intersections, where many accidents occur.

9. Practice Defensive Driving

  • Be Prepared for Others’ Mistakes: Always be aware of the traffic around you and anticipate potential problems. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles, and be prepared to react if someone else makes a hazardous move.

10. Educate Yourself

  • Stay Informed: Knowledge is power when it comes to driving safely. Consider taking a defensive driving course to enhance your driving skills and understanding of road safety.

By following these tips, you can contribute to a safer driving environment for yourself and others.

Learn how to claim personal injury after a car accident, safeguarding your rights while following our essential road safety tips.

Get Your Car Accident Claim Processed Today: Fast, Easy, and Stress-Free!

If you have made a claim and seek legal advice, remember that Foyle Legal is here to assist you. We support you through every step of your motor vehicle accident claim process. Our motor accident injury lawyers specialise in personal injury law in Perth, Western Australia. We are committed to safeguarding your rights and making sure you are fully compensated.

We believe that legal representation should be accessible to everyone, so we offer a no win no fee legal service. This indicates that there is no need for concern about initial legal fees. We only get paid if we win your case, removing the financial risk from your shoulders and allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Final Thought

Understanding the causes of major accidents in Australia is crucial for both drivers and policymakers. By addressing these causes, implementing stricter regulations, and promoting safer driving habits, we can reduce the number of road accidents.

Remember, safety should always be our top priority when we get behind the wheel. So, buckle up, stay alert, and strive for accident-free roads together!


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Christian Foyle best injury compensation lawyers Perth for workers comp and personal injury claims

Christian Foyle, founder and director of Foyle Legal - one of the top-rated personal injury law firms in Perth, Western Australia. Christian has been named one of the best compensation lawyers, leading workers' lawyers, and recommended public liability lawyers in WA. Born and raised in Western Australia, his mission is to bring social justice to those injured in accidents that are not their fault. Christian helps injured people seek fair compensation with a No Win, No Fee solution. Follow him on TikTok and LinkedIn.

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