If you have made a farm accident compensation claim for your farm injuries, or fatalities on the farm. Contact Perth based injury compensation lawyers at Foyle Legal for your obligation free claim review.
Farm Accidents Workers Compensation Claim
Work-related injuries and fatalities on Australian farms are a very common cause of workers compensation claim in Australia. If you are injured on the farm during your employment, you may be entitled to a workers compensation claim for your farm accident.
In Western Australia, you are entitled to workers compensation claim regardless you residency and permanency of your employment status. This means employees, contractors, casual workers, seasonal helpers, backpackers, or foreign workers on a visa are entitled to claim compensation if you are injured in a farm accident and meet the definition of “worker”. Claims by contractors are generally limited to work which is in substance for their manual labour or services.
Farm Accidents Negligence Claims
You don’t have to be a worker to claim compensation for your injury on the farm. If you are a victim of a farm accident you may also be entitled to claim compensation. For example, PTSD from witnessing a farm accident while you are not working, a tractor accident hits you when you are walking, or you tripped in a public place over farming machinery.
Death on the Farm Dependency Claim
Agricultural accident claims also cover death on the farm while working. Dependents of fatally injured workers and fatally injured bystander during a farm accident may be entitled to fatal injury dependency claim.
Foyle Legal compensation lawyers act for all types of farm accident injury compensation claims in WA on a No Win No Fee basis. Call us now for your obligation free claim review.
Don’t be intimidated by your employer or workers compensation insurers. We will help you to act with confidence at every step of the process:
- Have Your Claim Accepted!
- Negotiate a Fairer Payout!
- Get the Evidence You Need!
- Progress Your Claim Faster!