Car Accident Causes and Prevention

Don’t face your legal matter alone. We are here to help. Our blogs are aimed to present you with necessary tips and tricks to maximise your compensation payout! If you'd like to know more, we are only one phone call away.

What Happens If A Pedestrian Gets Hit By A Car?

What Happens If A Pedestrian Gets Hit By A Car? Pedestrian accidents in Western Australia (WA) not only pose a significant risk to physical health. They also introduce victims to the complexities of legal compensation claims. Understanding your rights and the advantages you hold in making a claim is crucial. Pedestrians involved in accidents often […]

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What Are The Major Causes Of Car Accidents In Australia

Fatal crashes and car accidents occur annually in Australia. A deep dive into their causes is necessary for better prevention and road safety. This blog analyses human errors, including impaired driving and distractions. It also considers external factors like weather and road conditions. The blog aims to demonstrate how responsible actions can reduce these incidents. […]

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The Difference Between A Crash & An Accident

When we talk about problems on the road, people sometimes mix up the words “crash” and “accident.” This mix-up can make things confusing. This confusion isn’t just about using different words. It affects how we report, understand, and deal with these problems in the law of Western Australia. Knowing the difference between “crash” and “accident.” […]

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How Does a Seatbelt Protect You In A Car Accident?

Seat belts are a fundamental vehicle safety component, reducing the risk of death and serious injury in car accidents. Wearing seat belts in the front seat became compulsory in the 1970s in New Zealand and Australia. In the following decade, further legislation required passengers in the back seat to wear them. This article delves into […]

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How is a Truck Accident Different From a Car Accident

Truck accidents are different from car accidents. They have unique impacts and legal complexities. The aftermath for the victims is also distinct. These differences highlight the need to grasp the specific challenges of truck accidents. This blog post delves into the critical distinctions between truck and car accidents. It highlights the unique challenges and legal […]

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How do Accidents Happen in Western Australia

Western Australia’s roads show beautiful views but sometimes lead to sad stories. The Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA), Road Safety Commission, and the Main Roads are working hard to make our roads safer. Every driver in Western Australia needs to know how to avoid car accidents. This article uses information from trusted sources to […]

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Car Accident Scams & How To Avoid Them

Car accidents can cause not only physical and emotional distress but also expose car owners to the risk of falling victim to various scams. Sadly, scams like fake accidents, shady car rental deals, and claim harvesting are not uncommon. It’s important to know about these risks. Protecting yourself by being proactive is key to dealing […]

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What Car is Most Likely to Survive a Crash?

Are you curious about what car is most likely to survive a crash? Safety is crucial for many buyers, prompting them to scrutinize crash test results and ratings before purchasing. This article delves into the essentials of vehicular safety, highlighting the most resilient models in Australia. Read on for expert insights and recommendations on selecting […]

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