Car Accident Claims

Don’t face your legal matter alone. We are here to help. Our blogs are aimed to present you with necessary tips and tricks to maximise your compensation payout! If you'd like to know more, we are only one phone call away.

Car Accident Compensation for pain and suffering: Non-Pecuniary Loss

Car accident compensation for pain and suffering is a type of compensation for non-pecuniary loss. Non-pecuniary loss is often referred to as general damages. In this article, we have provided more detail about non-pecuniary loss. Table of Contents Non-pecuniary loss/damage in a car accident injury claim How are pain and suffering calculated in an accident […]

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CTP Insured Motor Vehicles Accident in Personal Injury Claims

If you have been in a car accident and need help, the Foyle legal team is here for you. We offer an obligation-free initial consultation to talk about your legal options and guide you through the personal injury claim process. Please be sure to read on and find out more about CTP insured personal injury […]

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Whiplash Injury Compensation in Car Accident Personal Injury Claims

If you have been in a car accident and suffered whiplash, then you may be entitled to compensation. Learn about the injury and the amount of payout you can expect. Table of Contents What is a whiplash injury? What is a whiplash injury compensation claim? CTP Compensation Payouts for Injuries – Whiplash Injury Claims Typical […]

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What should I do after a Car Accident in Western Australia?

Western Australia has a government-administered compulsory third party insurance scheme. This means that if a driver with Western Australian registration plates is at fault and causes personal injury in a car accident then you can make a personal injury claim through the Insurance Commission of Western Australia, the compulsory third party insurer set up by […]

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Liability of More Than One Person – Understanding Proportionate Liability

What is Proportionate Liability In 2002, following the collapse of HIH Insurance and other disasters such as the World Trade Centre incident in 2001, insurance premiums became more expensive. Insurers claimed that compensation payments relating to insurance policies were becoming unaffordable. Following the Ipp review, legislatures around Australia passed Civil Liability Acts which were similar […]

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