A hand holding a coin scratches off a golden area on a map of Australia, perhaps pondering what state has the most car accidents. Nearby, a small flag card and a maroon travel document suggest upcoming adventures.

Understanding the state with the highest number of car accidents and road deaths is crucial for chauffeurs, policymakers, and safety advocates.

In this brief overview, we’ll dive into which state has the most car accidents, exploring potential factors contributing to this statistic and what it means for residents and visitors.

States With the Most Car Collisions in Australia

Australia has seen a 3.2% increase in road deaths, with 37 more fatalities than the previous year, challenging the national goal to reduce road fatalities by almost half by 2030.

The Australian Automobile Association reports significant increases in Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, and South Australia, with only one region on track to meet safety objectives.

Statistics Transport Infrastructure In Australia

The detailed analysis explores the intricate aspects of Australia’s transport infrastructure, emphasizing its role in economic development, the variety in leadership, financial outcomes, and societal effects.

This examination uncovers the consistent economic influence of the infrastructure sector and outlines the employment patterns in transportation and points out the imbalance in gender representation among leadership positions.

Economic Contributions:

  • The gross value added by major infrastructure industries has remained relatively stable as a percentage of GDP since 1974–75, typically ranging between 9–10%, with the transport, postal, and warehousing industry specifically fluctuating between 4–5% of GDP over the same timeframe.

Earnings and Price Indices:

  • Average weekly earnings have shown growth across various transport industries, with particular details provided for road, rail, water, air and space, and other transport sectors.

Population Data:

  • The statistics also cover Australian population figures by state and territory, distinguishing between capital city populations and the rest of the state.


Hand on street in a traffic incident scene.

Road Deaths In Australia

The Australian Road Deaths Database (ARDD) is a comprehensive resource for all road death data gathered and maintained by the Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE).

It aggregates detailed information and data on road deaths and traffic fatalities across Australia as reported monthly by police to State and Territory Road Safety Authorities for where accidents happen.

The records on road deaths in Australia from 2019 to 2023 by state reveal notable trends and variations in road deaths across different regions.

Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia also showed significant numbers, with Victoria reaching 275 and Queensland 282 in 2023, while Western Australia reported 175.

South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, and the Australian Capital Territory reported lower figures, with South Australia at 99, Tasmania at 35, the Northern Territory at 23, and the Australian Capital Territory at 11 in 2023.

Comprehensive Analysis of Road Fatalities in Australia

The detailed statistics extracted from the document provide an in-depth look at road deaths across Australia, offering insights into trends over recent years.

  1. Deaths by Jurisdiction:
    • Detailed figures were provided for each state and territory, tracking monthly deaths and changes over recent periods.
  2. Annual Deaths and Fatality Rates:
    • The fatality rates per 100,000 population are also detailed for these periods, offering a perspective on how fatalities relate to the population size in each jurisdiction.
  3. Fatalities by Road User Group:
    • The document breaks down fatalities by road user type, including operators, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists, highlighting trends and changes over the years.
  4. Crash Characteristics:
    • Analysis of fatal crashes, including the number of single versus multiple vehicular crashes, as well as the posted speed limit at the time of the crashes, offers a deeper understanding of the circumstances leading to fatalities.

Road fatalities car crashes

Comparing Car Accident Rates State by State

Australian Capital Territory

From the start of the year to July 1, the Australian Capital Territory has seen 10 road deaths fatality, surpassing the five-year annual average in just six months.

With 11 deaths in the entirety of 2021, the current trend suggests a significant rise in road deaths fatality for 2022, marking an increase for the second consecutive year.

Western Australia

Up to July 1 this year, Western Australia recorded 71 road deaths, a reduction from 85 in the same timeframe of 2021.

Out of these, 50 were in regional locations, and 21 were in urban areas, marking declines in both regions compared to the previous year’s figures of 56 and 29 fatalities, respectively.

New South Wales

By June 30, 2022, New South Wales had 157 road fatalities, an increase of 16 from the previous year and exceeding the average of the past three years (2019-2021).

The elderly, particularly those over 70, were the most affected, followed by individuals in their 60s and 50s. Despite metropolitan death rates remaining unchanged, New South Wales rural road fatalities saw an uptick.


By the end of June 2022, Victoria witnessed an increase to 126 road fatalities, up by 19 from the previous year.

There was a notable rise in deaths among bicyclists, pedestrians, and passengers, while driver fatalities slightly decreased.

Remarkably, the 18-20 age group experienced a surge in deaths by over 300%, with increases also observed in all crash fatalities across small towns, rural roads, and urban Melbourne.

South Australia

By June 29, 2022, South Australia saw a decrease in road deaths fatalities to 39, down from the previous year. Light vehicular operators and motorcyclists comprised a significant portion of these deaths.

The highest number of fatalities occurred in the 40-49 age bracket, with teenagers also notably affected.

A majority of these incidents took place on rural roads, and males represented over 85% of the deceased.


Up until June 26, 2022, Queensland reported 151 road deaths, marking an increase from the previous year and exceeding the five-year average for the same timeframe.

The majority of these fatalities were operators, with pedestrian fatalities also on the rise.

Northern Territory

By May 25, 2022, the Northern Territory saw 26 road fatalities, surpassing both the first half of 2021’s figures and the previous five-year average.

The months of February and May were particularly deadly. Speeding was a significant factor in 10 deaths, while not wearing a seatbelt contributed to at least seven fatalities.


As of May 11, 2022, Tasmania reported 26 road deaths, more than doubling the figure from the same timeframe last year, indicating a potential surge beyond 2021’s total deaths.

There is a critical need for increased road safety measures.


Street of the big city from a bird's eye view

Road Congestion In Australia

The AAA Road Congestion in Australia Report (2018) meticulously details the intensifying issue of road congestion within major Australian cities, revealing a notable downturn in road accidents performance from January 2013 to June 2018.

Focused particularly on Melbourne’s significant congestion challenges, the report uncovers the rising economic and environmental tolls of traffic congestion.

Australia V.S. Other Country Road Fatality

  • New Zealand ranks as the seventh least safe among OECD countries, with a road death fatality rate of 6.01 deaths per 100,000 people, indicating significant room for improvement despite a downward trend in fatalities per population over decades.
  • The United Kingdom stands out as the fourth safest OECD country, with a fatality rate of 2.26 per 100,000 people. It shows a substantial reduction in fatalities over two decades, highlighting effective road deaths safety measures.
  • Ireland shows commendable progress in road deaths and safety, with a fatality rate of 2.96 per 100,000 people. It’s among the top in safety for English-speaking OECD countries, halving its fatality rate in the past two decades.
  • Canada is positioned in the middle, with a fatality rate of 4.59 per 100,000 people. Despite a downward trend in road deaths, Canada’s rate suggests a need for ongoing safety improvements.
  • Australia ranks 20th among OECD nations with a fatality rate of 4.26 per 100,000 people, showing a decline over the past decade. It stands better than some English-speaking countries, indicating moderate success in road deaths and safety measures.

Australia’s Road Fatality Rates Increase

The road death toll in Australia has seen an increase, with 37 more fatalities recorded over the past year compared to the previous one, despite the ambitious national objective to cut road deaths by half by 2030.

According to a recent analysis by the Australian Automobile Association, the most significant upticks in fatality were seen in Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, and South Australia, with only one state or territory on course to meet the set safety benchmarks.

The association highlighted a shortfall in the collection of injury and fatality site data which complicates the identification of hazards and the formulation of strategies to mitigate fatalities.

The National Road Safety Strategy Benchmarking report indicates that 1,205 individuals lost their lives in road incidents in the year leading up to 30 June, marking a 3.2% rise from the year before.

Safety Driving Measures

We all have a responsibility to keep our roads safe. When driving, ensure you know the road rules, drive within the conditions, and be courteous and respectful to another operator.

  • Speeding: Driving above the limit impairs maneuverability; speeding further reduces the time available to react to hazards and increases the distance needed to stop, making collisions more likely and severe.
  • Seatbelts: They play an important role in driving and a serious injury downfall or crash, keeping you safe in a collision. It is illegal in Australia for chauffeurs and passengers to drive without wearing a seatbelt.
  • Driving to the conditions: Drivers should always drive according on the road, taking into account wet weather, ice, fog, and snow, and adjusting their driving accordingly.
  • Alcohol and drug-impaired driving: Alcohol and drugs can significantly impair your ability to drive safely. While there are legal limits for the amount of alcohol you can consume before driving, it is illegal for any traces of illicit drugs to be in your system when driving.
  • Distracted Driving: Driving requires your full attention. Anything that takes your attention away from the road deaths or causes a distraction could lead to a collision.
  • Anti-social driving: Driving behaviors such as speeding, distracted driving, performing burnouts, tailgating, aggressive maneuvers, and participating in street races are considered intimidating and dangerous.
  • Driver fatigue: Driving to get to your destination safely is more important than quickly. If you are going on a long trip or have worked late and had limited sleep, avoid driving until you are well-rested.
  • Traffic controls: Lights, signs, markings, and roundabouts serve as essential guidelines for road deaths, so avoid speeding and stop when necessary. These measures are mandatory and established to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone using the roads deaths.

Why Do Males Engage In More Risky Behaviour?

The study indicates that males are generally more inclined towards risk-taking than females, partly due to lower anticipation of harm and a tendency to attribute injuries to bad luck rather than personal decisions.

Research involving youths aged 13-20 found that males perceived behaviors as less risky and engaged more in dangerous activities with less deterrence from potential negative outcomes.

Further investigation at the University of Queensland highlighted that young male drivers exhibit more aggressive driving behaviors leading to higher rates of car crashes compared to females, with males reporting significantly more incidents.

Numerous theories have been proposed to understand why men tend to partake in riskier actions compared to women. One theory suggests that it’s not that women gauge the likelihood of getting involved in adverse events differently from men. Rather, they believe they would be more emotionally distressed or negatively affected by such events if they were to happen. Another theory posits that women are more inclined to assign a higher likelihood to negative outcomes occurring than men.

Paramedics rushing a patient in emergency

How Can We Lower the Car Crash Risk for Young Drivers?

Adopting and implementing effective strategies is essential for decreasing the high fatality rates among young drivers. It is essential to employ and execute effective strategies to lower the incident rates involving young motorists.

Altering modifiable aspects such as driving skills, accumulated experience, and the extent of their education and training can diminish the likelihood among young ones.

The capability to drive safely in accordance with the prevailing conditions is crucial.

Young motorists must become adept at managing their automobiles with less mental exertion. This will allow them to allocate more attention to monitoring the actions of fellow operators. Enhancing their skills, experience, education, and training can significantly reduce their crash risk.

The RACV recommends several driver training programs:

  • Pre-license Training Programs: These are special programs by various organizations for learners and pre-learners, focusing on safe driving techniques, road law knowledge, and practical in-car experience.
  • Professional Driving Instruction: This is the initial training provided by instructors, family, or friends, emphasizing basic car control, driving techniques, and road law knowledge.
  • Higher Order Testing in GLS Programs: Some programs require passing advanced skill tests to move to less restricted licenses and achieve full license status.

Nose-to-tail Crashes

Rear-end collisions often occur due to the failure to maintain a safe following distance from the automobiles ahead. This means the driver will have a limited ability to react to sudden stops or changes in traffic flow.

For example, cars that follow too closely behind vans cannot see ahead to observe sudden traffic changes, increasing the risk of car crashes. If a truck ahead moves lanes and causes conveyances to slow down suddenly, the following car, unaware and too close, may not have enough time to react and could collide with the truck ahead. To avoid this, it is advised to maintain a three-second gap.

This spacing provides drivers with ample time to observe road conditions ahead, react to sudden changes, and adjust their speed accordingly, thereby increasing safety on the road.


For individuals who have experienced a car crash or suffered a fatal injury, navigating the aftermath can be daunting and complex. Foyle Legal, a personal injury law firm, offers a comprehensive guide to car crash reporting and securing your rightful compensation for any injuries sustained.

Foyle Legal provides exceptional support for those seeking motor vehicle injury compensation in Perth.

Specializing in personal injury insurance claims, they offer expert legal services, ensuring victims receive the compensation they deserve. Their team is knowledgeable about Western Australia’s legal intricacies, offering tailored advice and strong representation.

With a focus on personal injury claims resulting from a car collision, Foyle Legal guides clients through the complex compensation process. Their “No Win No Fee” policy ensures accessible legal assistance and reduces financial exposure.

Foyle Legal’s commitment to clients extends beyond legal advice, advocating vigorously for their rights. Residents of Perth benefit from their comprehensive support in navigating the aftermath of a car wreck. The firm’s dedication to securing the best outcomes makes it a valuable resource for victims. They stand as a beacon of support, emphasizing personal attention and expert legal representation. Foyle Legal is the go-to firm for anyone in Perth facing the challenges motor vehicle claim.


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Christian Foyle best injury compensation lawyers Perth for workers comp and personal injury claims

Christian Foyle, founder and director of Foyle Legal - one of the top-rated personal injury law firms in Perth, Western Australia. Christian has been named one of the best compensation lawyers, leading workers' lawyers, and recommended public liability lawyers in WA. Born and raised in Western Australia, his mission is to bring social justice to those injured in accidents that are not their fault. Christian helps injured people seek fair compensation with a No Win, No Fee solution. Follow him on TikTok and LinkedIn.

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